1. Be a practicing catholic
Has been baptized, received First Communion and been Confirmed or proof that the young lady is enrolled in the confirmation program and has completed one year of confirmation. Attends Mass on Sundays (Saturday Vigil) and Holy days of obligation. She must be going to confession on regular bases.
2. Reserve the church
The church must be reserved at least six months before the quinceañera date. This will give the quinceañera enough time to take the quinceañera preparation classes.
$200 Church deposit
Must be given to reserve the date. This deposit is reimbursable, but will be affected if the celebration starts 10 minutes late or if flowers arrangements are not removed after celebration as notified. If you plan to leave the flower arrangements on the altar, please notify the parish office.
$250 Our Lady of Lourdes Parishioners Church fee (non-reimbursable)
$350 Non-parishioners Church fee (non-reimbursable)
*Church fee does not include decorations, choir, altar server, nor rehearsal
* A parishioner is someone faithfully living within the geographical boundaries of the parish or someone that is registered with the parish at the time of booking.
*Church fee needs to be paid one month before celebration.
$100 Quinceañera preparation classes
$100 optional rehearsal
A rehearsal will be scheduled at the church before the quinceañera and someone will be there to coordinate the day of the Mass.
3. Quinceañera Clases
It is required that the quinceañera attend all classes, if this requirement is not met, the quinceañera mass will be CANCELLED.
Please above link above of when the next classes will be given.
4. Mass Attendance
It’s a requirement that the quinceañera shows proof that she is attending Mass on Sundays (Saturday Vigil) and Holy days of obligation. If she does not meet with this requirement the quinceañera will be canceled.
The quinceañera will be given a Mass card and must proof that she is attending Mass.
5. Attire
Quinceañeras Mass take place in a church setting. Honorees and their attendants/court must dress modestly. For this reason, sleeveless or strapless dresses are strongly discouraged. This includes both the honoree and all attendants/members of the court. Dresses must be at least knee length. Honorees or attendants who arrive in dresses that are sleeveless or strapless must wear a shawl or other suitable cover-up. No visible cleavage, bare midriffs, short length, high slits, skin-tight, low-cut necklines, or backless gowns are allowed. This is not appropriate for the presence of Christ or a sacred celebration. Non- compliance will result in the loss of your deposit. If necessary, you may need to purchase one dress that is appropriate for the church and another for the party afterward.
6. Lector
You will need one reader to read the 1st Reading & the Psalm. When choosing your reader please choose someone that is catholic and understand the reverence need when going up to on the altar. Your reader will need to coordinate with your musician and find out if they are going to sing the Psalm. If the musician sings the psalm, then the reader can step down from the altar after the first reading. Please contact the parish office to get the readings for the quinceañera Mass.
7. Decoration requirements and restrictions
Decoration of the Church interior is permitted. Throughout the year, the church is decorated to reflect the various liturgical seasons with banners, altar cloths, and backdrops. You are restricted from moving or removing any items from the sanctuary area. Listed below are guidelines to follow:
- The church will a kneeler and chair at the altar for the honoree.
- Bows, ribbons and floral arrangements may be used to adorn the pews in the center aisle. Do not use wire, tape, pushpins, thumbtacks or anything that would damage the pew to attach the bows. Pew clips or ribbons are acceptable and are sold at party supply stores.
- Please remove the pew decorations before leaving the church, failure to do so will affect your deposit.
- You may arrive at the church one (1) hour prior to the ceremony to decorate. Please notify the church office to coordinate a different time.
- Rice, flowers, potpourri and birdseed are prohibited in and outside of the church for safety and liability reasons. Slipping on these items could cause serious injury to you, your quinceañera party and guests.
- Candelabra and arches are not allowed in the church.
- If you like, you can leave the flowers in the church for Sunday Mass. It is your responsibility to inform the parish office ahead of time.
8. Music
You are entirely responsible for arranging the music for your celebration. If you plan to have music for the ceremony, it must all be liturgical music. The second song of communion must be a song to the Blessed Virgin Mary (no exceptions). Please give the psalm to your musician so that they can rehearse it ahead of time. If they choose to do a different psalm, please notify the parish office of the psalm they are going to sing. If they choose not to sign it, please notify the reader so that they can be prepared. It’s your responsibility to communicate this to musicians.
9. Photography
All photographers communicate with the event coordinator or with the priest to go over the Rules for Photography. Generally, photos are allowed during the ceremony from any section of the church, except for the sanctuary or the altar they are not to step on the altar. All photography must not in any way interfere with the religious ceremony. Please make sure you also notify the photographer about our rules.
- You will have 15 minutes after the quinceañera Mass to take photos. No one should be standing on the altar at the time of the pictures.